The Eddies Performance Engineers
While all the Eddies Performance Engineers have certain strengths, they do one thing most importantly. They work as a team to provide the highest quality, engines. Together, they produce the most talked about customer experience in the engine business with their selfless dedication, knowledge, and passion to each and every customer.
 | Eddie Banach Sr.Drag racing legend and former NHRA champion Ed Banach Sr. scored numerous victories and championships in national competition during his racing career. He has been heralded in his decade as one of the quickest men in NHRA history. Over 35 years ago, Eddie decided to pass his vast engine knowledge and trade secrets to his business, Eddies Performance Machine Shop in Sayreville, NJ. Now his customers benefit from his experience in building fast, reliable performance engines.
 | Eddie Banach Jr.
Ed Banach Jr. has been working with his father for over 20 years. As a young teenager Ed Jr. became a master machinist and engine technician under the tutelage of father. Since then Eddie has personally built over 2000 engines in his career, from racing to street applications. Eddie has built several NHRA record holding engines and hundreds of "fast times" holders at numerous raceways across the US.
 | Mark Osterbye
Former NHRA champion Mark has brought his vast knowledge of racing secrets and experience to Eddies Performance. Mark specializes in gas/alcohol racing applications and race engine setups for our super high performance engines. He has been responsible for the success of hundreds off drag and circle track racers in the US and continues his success with all his customers at Eddies Performance.
Tel: 800-471-2325 (Toll Free); 732-727-2325;
Fax: 732-727-3178
510 Raritan Street, Sayreville, NJ 08872